Saturday 20 October 2012

Course: Computing BSC.

   Module Title: Research Skills.

Literature review quantum computing

Chapter1                                                      Introduction
Quantum Computer
  What is quantum computer? Quantum computer is the evolution of computer form the classical computer that used silicon mounted processors as well as multiple silicon processors that digitally represented data to the new founded processors that uses Boson and Fermion molecules due to need of a faster computer systems to process complex information that will be impossible with classic computers, quantum computers represents data with atoms particles and are used to build quantum processors. Quantum system will lead to a very different type of architecture of the system, processing unit and connection to the different aspects of the computer system.
The ability of building quantum computer processor has improved and has allowed the use of atomic scale particle and manipulation of neutral atoms in optical lattices at sub-zero temperature.
Optical lattices are the stable periodic arrays of microscopic potential created by interference pattern of intersecting laser beam. Atoms can be confined to different lattice sites and by varying strength of the microscopic array it is possible to tune interatomic interaction with great precision. A strong coupling can be realised by increasing the depth of the potential well and this can be realised by the intensity of the laser, this well depth is directly proportional to the intensity of the laser light, the varying of array of atoms with laser is done with great accuracy, and optical laser has become a great practical tool for application, laser or magnetism, cooling system, quantum control, information processing are all path quantum computing mechanical process.

 Quantum computer is a computing device that operate by the use of quantum molecules in it processor to represent data and perform operation. A quantum computer can maintain a series of qubits, a single qubit can represented one or zero or crucially any quantum of the two that is, one and zero can occur together and any pair of bit can be in a superposition four state and any three bit can be in a superposition of 8 states. Quantum logic gate is used in quantum computing which identifies with the qubit state. Fixed quantum gate sequence to be applied which is the quantum algorithm manipulates qubit.
In classical computing were information has to be converted into digital bits (terabit of digital computer 243) and process by silicon processor there is limited storage space, slow algorithm and low computing power, quantum computer using molecular particles to represent data can compute to very large scale as 500 qubit (2500) as well as superposition.

Chapter 2                               Architecture of quantum computer
  The structure of quantum computer is entirely different from the classic computer due to the material that does the processing and generate signal in a complete diverse way, a new way of connection and transmission of data will have to be created as quantum computer system need their processors to be house inside a cryogenic system as qubit processor chip, and have an option to choose from laser or magnetic field to accurately control the processing atoms, electrons behave as waves in quantum wave to generate qubit this is microscopic metal that is cool to absolute zero to become superconductors and start to exhibit quantum metal effect. Combination of qubit is multi-qubit processor, qubits must be connected together in order to exchange information and is achieved through element called coupler and the constructing of many such elements together (qubits and couplers) will start building a fabric of quantum device that is programmable. There are other components necessary for quantum processor to operator, there is a large circuitry that surrounds qubits and couplers a framework of switches known as Josepheson junction circuitry which both addresses each qubit and store the information on a magnetic memory. The majority of the 25,000 Josephson junction in a Rainier processor makeup this circuitry. The layout of a Quantum processor has a 128 qubit connected together and with 352 connecting elements between them that carry electric power to the circuit board, the qubits are stretched out travelling down the roll of processor to memory and output.
  A coolant system is required for quantum processors to stabilize and work properly computer environment of temperature 80mk is required, and the lower the temperature the better the computer works and temperature can be lowered as much as 20mK. The processor and path of the input and output system (I/O) are cooled to this temperature and the package could be large in size due to the refrigerator system. The cooling system is enclosed inside the circular computer system outline where the coolant is recycled and recondensed and that makes the system standalone to operate. The i/o system that are responsible for passing information from user to processor and output again, signal are carried on this metal line transitioning on superconductor line at low temperature, the signal frequency are low frequency <30Mhz analog current and room temperature electronic is needed for converting signal coming from a front end server to analog currents and the front end server receives programming instructions from user, and the material for the wiring of the sub-system is made of superconducting metal such as tin, and none of the material close to the processor most be magnetic as the processor design is adversely affected by stray magnetic field.

Chapter3               Factor critical to the success of Quantum Computing
    Quantum computer development in information system is designed to tackle a number of problems, some of which is the increasing information processing which will cause a bottle neck for conventional computers (digital processing silicon), better and alternative way at solving complex and previously impossible problems, new research and science development using quantum computers. Software application for quantum computer which is entirely a new type of computer system had to be developed from scratch putting in mind any useful computing system must provide robust and general access to the hardware capability. The illustration of software development is the virtualisation of the following levels of programming for the workings of a quantum system connection to the hardware is SAPI Interface, followed by complier (Blackbox and sampling), then flowed by client library (Matlab, SirQL, C++, Python), Followed by Framework (QBC, QUFL, QMLA, T-QUFL), and this is followed by applications (Video Compression, V&V, Robot Autonomy, Image Recognition). This architecture shows the way a user of the system can interact with the various levels of programs and virtualisation for the hardware.
 The SAPI layer is the machine code layer of quantum computer which is the lower layer setting, the code is sent to the machine using web interface. A cloud base interface is implemented at this machine level and at this low level the system is designed to accept written codes at this level from the Internet. Writing code this way is not normally done at a low level unless a new language or programming framework is being added to the system and a new complier is being written and if only want to control the system at the machine level for science and researches, this level is normally where algorithm and software development is based.
  The other software layers include complier layer programmer’s uses this layer to provide or call functions that can optimise power and control hardware. Client library wrapper is the starting point layer used to develop application, this layer provides the ability use standard high level language to assess underlying part of the software, this system are used to compute values of function at this level.
  The creation of much higher level code at the framework requires complicated algorithm steps at its core for optimization, this layer allow for complex method for attracting difficult central hard problems and implement algorithms for machine learning. Application layer at this level is used end-user interacts with Hardware (quantum computers), which has been developed using the lower layer include binary classification for object detection in images, correlating text extracts from news feeds with stock market prices, video compression, lattice protein folding and assignment of category labels to images, blog post and news stories.
  In practice quantum computer and conventional computer are been used in conjunction, one half works in solving complex problems and the other half generates more suggestion for complexity solution. The split allows hybrid system to be built that can deal with enormous amount of data and complex generating function. The amount of data that can be required by computer for value of the generating function could be enormous, bit string been sent from quantum system to the conventional system and the conventional system (protocol) generate how good the guesses are at good answers, “it’s just the bit strings coming from the system representing its guesses flowing D-wave one-system to conventional system......... ”
   One of the other factors critical to the success of quantum computer is the architecture hardware and encasement development which houses atomic processors, circuitry, coolant and cooling system, laser system, sensitive magnetic system and optical lattices. Optical lattice is the light shifting potential form by interference of several laser beams. The interference led to the perfect periodic structure of potential wells where cold atoms are localized, the parameters of optical lattices are much easier to vary and manipulate experimentally, by changing the light field parameter and applying magnetic fields.
“By loading a Bose-Einstein condensate into three-dimensional optical lattice potential, have been able to demonstrate fundamental aspects coherent cold collision between neutral atoms and have shown experimentally how such collision lead to a well-define phase shift in the corresponding many-body wave function. The experimental realization of such interactions can be fundamental for the simulation of complex-matter-physics Hamiltonians, for the creation of large-scale entanglement and for the realization of quantum gates with neutral atoms.”
Magnetism is needed for ease of manipulating and varying of the parameter of the optical lattices in a magnetic field, applied from external source while changing light field parameter. Hence the optical lattice potential is sensitive to stray magnetism that can disturb the process and a shield has to be built cancel out unwanted and light and magnetism. Stray photons as well as magnetism from different sources have to be cancel out as the optical lattice is very sensitive, the shield encasement is made is made in a square form that protect the processing unit.


Chapter4                                            Usability and testing
  Quantum computer is the newest type of computer system that has been developed, so it is not yet available as conventional computer, the cost of production is high and the cost of sale is also very high. It is been used by large cooperation and in most cases quantum computers and conventional systems are been used as a combine system or added system that can be used to decrypt cipher text and encoded messages, solve complex algebras and process enormous qubits of face recognition.  
  Usability of quantum computer depends on the architecture, the hardware build of the processors and the encased square structure. The large structure of the CPU which contains a cooling system, optical and laser system, as the CPU has shield to cancel out magnetism is not readily practical useful as personal PC or portable system.
The basis of quantum computer working effective is the multiple creations of qubits that can compute in a quantum system, one of the factors that have a bad effect on quantum computer is coherence. Coherence causes error by interference from factors such as heat, electromagnetism radiation, and material defection, for the system operation to process information as a standard computer system number of errors have to be reduced and the lengthening of time periods over which the qubits retain their quantum mechanical properties. When this is sufficiently long, error correction scheme become effective making it possible to perform long and complex calculation.
  The usefulness of quantum computer in processing more complex information due to quantum properties has a wide spread implication foremost in the field of data encryption where computers could factor very large numbers like those used to decode sensitive information.
In completing information process in previous standard computer cause over heating in the system, with the creation of integrated circuit which operate on the basis of photons instead of electrons, which would in turn enable considerable higher data transfer rates as well as dramatically reduced heat dissipation.
  The processing of information in quantum computer during data transfer is done by the processor and the new quantum processors which is created by researcher need to operate accurate and efficiently by varying optical lattices that hold the atoms with laser and magnetism, this process has to be done accurately to achieve qubits and create multiple qubits for logic gate and a processor for data and information processing.
  “The superconducting qubit research led by the IBM team has been progressing in a very focused way on the road to a reliable, scalable quantum computer..........”
  High speed optical transmission systems have increasingly been building on techniques that are well established in radio frequency (RF) communication systems, examples are advance modulation formats, line coding, enhanced forward error correct (FEC), and digital signal processing at transmission and receiver,
  Deployed direct detection, coherent detection allows electronic signal processing to make use of the full optical field (magnitude and phase), which can be exploited for more efficient mitigation of fiber transmission. Coherent detection research is also aim at increasing the bit rate through multilevel modulation and polarization multiplexing which keeps the signal bandwidths similar to that of a 10 Gb/s optical line infrastructure and increase the system’s spectral efficiency (SE).
Fiber nonlinearities is the most important fundamental difference between optical and RF (radio frequency) communication is the presence of nonlinear distortions in the optical fibre communication channel.
The high transversal confinement of the optical signal field in a fibre core with effective areas between 20 and 110micrometer square causes light intensities to reach or exceed a megawatt/cm square. At such high optical intensities, the fibre index of refraction is affected by the presence of optical signals through the optical.
Microwave signal is a necessity of this research as is optical photon transfer, microwave signalling is preferred in most cases and will review opt-electronic components for use in optical microwave transmission systems, including sources, optical amplifier, and detectors.

Chapter 5   Describe various experiments to demonstrate that your project practical work
                     is feasible.
  This project is a research based project as the equipment and quantum computer is not readily available at the university and cannot be purchase as cost is high. There are companies that have start to market the first quantum computers with quantum processor, logic gate and new algorithms, my research is base on the creation of the hardware (quantum processor), rate of information processing by quantum processor and solution quantum computer bring to long and complex problems like encryption and decryption of text and cipher text. “IBM envisions a practical quantum computing system as including a classical system intimately connected to the quantum computing hardware...........


Chapter 6   Identify the research methods that you have or will use during your project research
                     and justify their use.
  The research for the research skill for this project is research based only until such time tools and equipment are readily available on quantum computers, the anticipation that equipments and tools will be available to the mainstream in a few years as the first of the quantum computers is already been market. Using all the materials that are available from the research stage of the development process of quantum computer, to the building and structuring, demonstrating the use of quantum information processing and ease of usability. The contact process for the research skill is through emails, phone calls to the company, websites and visitations.
  The use of journal and books are critical in the completion of this project for example the proportion of photons and microwave photons will contribute, as will research into theories and hypothesis of quantum theory and how it’s  molecular and quantum particle can be used to build a quantum processor. Quantum information processing is the reason for the building of a quantum computer will be looking into what type of information processing quantum computers are used for? How fast and reliable quantum computers are and which companies are readily using quantum processes for information processes, which companies are developing and selling quantum computers in the market.

Chapter 7   Identify the ethical issues relating to the project.
  In quantum computing there is no known ethical issues, the only known problems will be safety, that is safety of the quantum computer when in use as this will depend on the design stage of quantum computers. Some of the problems been looked at is the radioactivity of particles been used and stability, the cryogenic cooling of particles and stability of the system, the power consumption and cost effectiveness and the green effect on the environment and safety as well as the induced magnetic effect and cancel of magnetism relating to health hazard.

Chapter 8   Key points identified during your research and conclusions drawn.
  Quantum computer is the next evolution of the computer system and the development process has changed and a new architecture of the computer system is in use. The rate at which data and information processing in quantum computing has increased at an exponential rate compared to conventional computing.
  Partly some learning materials are available over the network but short of material on quantum computers in the library as this topic is advancement in technology and will expect the material to be available at some stage for the researches.
 An in-depth knowledge of conventional computer and computer system is needed to understand quantum computer systems and processing as comparism will be draw of the two systems.
 Quantum computer will be studied and development as the next generation of computers for the market and for this project, as it will change the way we look as computer architecture and information processing all together.
  One of the other aspects is the cost of production and availability is still very high as the first of quantum computers of only just been marketed and tools and equipment are sparse as it will be a good time for its business opportunity.

Review of project: show that the project at this stage is feasible, will check that the project is meeting the necessary requirement and will check with the necessary bodies for example Supervisor, Tutor and lecturer and keeping to time and budget limits for this project.

Work Breakdown Structure
Level                                                 Hierarchical breakdown                          Description
Review, read and understand of conventional computing
1                                                                                                                 Pre-requisite for quantum c.
             Research books and journal quantum computing.
2                                                                                                                  Get journal and References.
Visit companies on quantum project.
3                                                                                                                  visit companies & websites.
Study the design and architecture of quantum computing
4                                                                                                 Study processor & computer system
Create simulation for data speed
5                                                                                                             Create usage demonstration
Show results of correct and accurate data
6                                                                                                            Run the code for workability
Show peripheral additional systems
7                                             show working of the cooling system & computer Interconnections
Write a report
8                                                                                                 Writ a Report of the progress
Summarise project
                                                                                                      Write a summary for the project

Communication plan
Project communication is the agreed communication system agreed between the project manager, supervisor, tutor and the delivery system which include: e-mailing, turnitin for deliverables of the project, class attendance, tutoring and presentation where necessary.

 Project Network Plan
                                       This is the project diagram for the final year: research
Review, read and understand of conventional computing. AVisit companies on quantum project. CStudy the design and architecture of quantum computing.DCreate simulation for data speed.FShow results of correct and accurate data.GMeet supervisor.HSubmission of Project.NShow peripheral additional systems.IMeet Supervisor.EMeet supervisor.J

Research books and journal for quantum computing. B

Write Report.K

Summarise Project .L
Meet supervisor.M

Personal Development Plan.

Knowledge and skills required which I already possess for the completion of my project:
In my previous researches I have the knowledge of the conventional computer systems and the construction of the processor and multiprocessors in parallel operation in supercomputers. This project is a research base project, and it will take me a step further in computing systems and their applications. Quantum computer is a new breed of computer system, there are more problem oriented systems in solving complex problems and suggestive system in suggesting alternatives to problem solving and creating solutions to previously impossible problems. I have the knowledge of the necessary materials that I will need in the completion of this project. The materials, books and journal outline the process of quantum computing and the processing abilities of the unit, by reading through this materials  I have gained more knowledge in all aspect of quantum computing including, architecture of the system, processors, the cooling system, connecting network, range of information processing, ability to solve complex problems. Information processing in quantum computing will be compared to information processing in conventional computing, and shows what ability quantum computer have in dealing with bottleneck traffic of information while processing information and information transfer along its network. I will be researching into quantum system already been market and the efficiency of the system at handling real life problems and how reliable the system works that is, its mechanical operations. I will research the type material and component and sources used for building this system and the availability of materials in the building the system. I have studied the process of quantum computer and have the knowledge of how the system works in processing information, form input information and its accuracy of output information if the entire components work efficiently.

Knowledge and skills required which I do not possess for the completion of my project:
In my research I have come to conclusion that I do not posses some skills which may be critical in the completion of this project, this skill range from the construction of the system, the representation of the system as in simulation of the different behaviour of the component. The different components are complex system like the photon proportion system, the laser system, cooling system been mounted on the process and the shielding system all together make a whole processing system. I do not have this system at hand to show their workings and I will try to develop data and simulations to represent how the system works. I will have to visit book stores and libraries to search material on different subjects, as book and journal on the subject matter are not readily available, as the subject is a revolution in technology may also have to call and visit companies that are working on this project in different areas of quantum computing like building processors and processors unit, building magnetic system and photon proportion system, the construction of the shielding for the system against stray influx and I will study materials been used in building the processors. I will research principle with which quantum processor works at molecular stage form books and show my view on the working of the system and show how the process is viable and realistic. In researching the project I intend to understand the whole process of how quantum computer works their by increase my knowledge on the new computer system, Finding how the system is intended to be used and what type of information it is intended to be used for.

Action I need to take in order to acquire skills and knowledge that I need:
I will be making the necessary researches into the subject matter that is quantum computing, by reviewing online journal and getting the necessary books from the library and using online source, I will have to visit other library to check for availability of material I will need for the completion of this research. I have attended all lectures and tutorial class and well equipped with the necessary knowledge needed to accomplish this research leading to the project I will meet with my supervisor every two week and make sure I attain the required hours of supervisions.
I will reading the material I get and apply my knowledge as this is part of my research which I will apply to my project. I will research and meet the designated hours of study required for the completion and pass of this research and will prepare myself to present this research and project in-case there is a presentation.
I will follow role of this research and used the handbook and a guide, I will read the designated text book for in-depth knowledge on project completion and for its examples. I will show high standard and professionalism by research and referencing the research skills leading to project completion and provide clear and accurate information on the subject matter and I will make sure that the information I provided are in correlation with the working and market prototype.
I have completed this research to the outline given during lectures and tutorial classes and have followed every step required for the completion of this project. I have studied all the pieces relevant to this research and have combined my knowledge for a full and complete research. At research completion I intend to move on to project start and completion, my project will be base on the same subject matter in providing all the solution to some of the problem elaborated and providing additional information to some of the complex systems.
I will provide specific information on subject matters that I have not touched on and the research level due to complexity and on-going researches, I will follow the development of quantum system as closely as possible as to have the knowledge of break-through in new technology. I will arrange visitation with companies and stay in contact so as to acquire the system for research purpose and be able to carry-out analysis on the working of the system.
The knowledge I have acquired during the research skills for this project is invaluable and in-depth and the knowledge gain will be reflected in doing my project.

Immanuel Bloch, Markus Greiner, Olaf Mandel and Theodor W. Hansch (2ND June 2003)
Coherent cold collisions with neutral atoms in optical lattices
By loading a Bose-Einstein condensate into a three-dimensional optical lattice potential, we have been able to demonstrate several fundamental aspects of coherent cold
collisions between neutral atoms. We show experimentally how such collisions lead
to a well-defined phase shift in the corresponding many-body wave function. The
experimental realization of such interactions can be fundamental for the simulation
of complex condensed-matter-physics Hamiltonians, for the creation of large-scale
entanglement and for the realization of quantum gates with neutral atoms.

Dr Geordie Rose, Founder D wave Canada, British Columbia (2012)
 It’s just the bit strings coming from the system representing its guesses at good answers flowing from the D-Wave One TM System to the conventional system, and the real numbers characterizing how good those guesses were, flowing from the conventional system to the D-Wave One TM System. The amount of data that might be required to compute the value of the generating function could be (and often is) enormous - but we can use all of the standard tactics for dealing with this using conventional systems architecture.
IBM envisions a practical quantum computing system as including a classical system intimately connected to the quantum computing hardware. Expertise in communications and packaging technology will be essential at and beyond the level presently practiced in the development of today’s most sophisticated digital computers.

Ivan P. Kaminow, Tingye Li, Alan E. Willner (2008) Optical Fiber Telecommunications: System and Networks. AT&T BELL LAB California.

Christian Dawson. March 1999. The Essence of Computing Projects: A
Student’s Guide.

Scott Mueller and Brian Knittel. 2005. Upgrading and Repairing Microsoft

N.K. Denzin and Y.S.Lincoln, Ed., SAGE. 2008. The landscape of quality
research, 3rd edition.

S. Cottrel, Palgrave Macmillan. 2011. Developing Effective Analysis and