Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Quantum Computing part 2
Page 3................................... Introduction.
Page 4................................... Quantum Information Processing
Page 6……………………………… Encrypting
and Decrypting
complex cryptographic
Page 7............................... Accumulation of
completed experimental result
Page 11.............................. Benchmarking
Classical Computers and Quantum
Page 11............................... Personal Development
Page 17…………………………. Project management
Page 27............................... Summary
Page 28............................... Conclusion
Page 29.............................
Page 34...................... Appendices
Quantum Computer
Due to the research
undertaken quantum computer can be said to resolves previously impossible
problems and high data processing. Quantum computer have the ability to process
data in the range of 2500 Qubit due to the atom level of particle
processing whereby boson is used in building processors, represents data and
the electrons spin in an optical lattice of interference laser beam in a well
depth. Boson particles has unlimited ability to occupy the same quantum states
as to fermions, and when it is cooled it becomes a superfluid for example
property of helium-4, superconductor allows for electrons precise control of
alteration with laser beams and magnetic fields, due to this process the
problem of exponential increase of information processing, encryption and
decryption of Information has been resolved.
qubit have to exist at a ground state of quantum mechanics and irrespective of
the noise and environment that will distort the wave function hence a error
correcting code function has to be implemented, qubits at ground state do
quantum computing (that is the state of the least energy of the quantum
particle) noise and environment can cause the increase or distortion in state
energy that is hyper state.
In modern conventional computer voltages
(High or low voltage) is applied to the silicon built transistor to generate
digital 1 and 0 bits for conventional computation using the Complementary Metal
Oxide Silicon (CMOS) technology, this is in contrast to the (SQUID)
Superconductor Qubit which is the technology for building quantum processors,
known as the super conductor interface device. When sub-atomic particles material is
cooled down it becomes what is known as Superconductor and it starts to exhibit
quantum mechanical effect.
From a quantum system perspective, quantum
particle that process data are in a probability states (what will be the next
spin state or amplitude of the electrons: Bra) due to their continues spinning
represented by
upwards and downwards or
is, slightly slant spin and this can be said to be in a wave form, state is
represented in maths by complex numbers for example, ket or |000>, |001>,
which is the dynamic state of the system and from that energy, momentum and
position of the electrons can be determined, as to the deterministic computers
or conventional computers which are in a states of simply 000 and 001. This
project will investigate and resolve question of entanglement, string theory,
encryption, decryption, superposition and the implication it has on Information
Processing Information in Quantum Computer IT
Implications and Applications: Quantum computer systems are individual computer systems that
resolve specialize problems that where impossible for classical computers, due
to workload and security. Quantum computers have provided new way of
distributing information, the potential processing and distributing methods,
includes information distribution secure key (RSA) for encryption of data.
Quantum computer information processing is
further enhanced and increases exponentially enhanced the ability of quantum
computer to processing information by superposition, superposition is the
ability of quantum bits, qubit to exist in a double state or automatically
duplicate itself which is exhibited in quantum state by quantum materials, the
measuring and extraction of this superposition information might prove
difficult as the quantum state is lost during measurement. Classical and
quantum computer can be made to process information in parallel, in classical
computer information parallelism increases directly proportional to space while
in quantum computer parallelism information increase exponentially to space.
Quantum computer can exhibit entanglement in
the process of string theory atoms of quantum materials after two electrons
been split making four pair and two different pair recombined and separated the
behaviour of two combine pair still affect the two other pair even at great
distance. Entanglement in quantum
computing opens a new way to information transverse. Quantum Entanglement is
the use of two material within an environment without no interaction between
two materials, the altering of one material causes the alter of the second
material, this can be said that information is forward form one material to the
other without any interrelationship and two or more of the system can exist in
a superposition of a correlated state.
Quantum computing is ideal for resolving complex
mathematical problems as in the example of factorization. “Quantum parallelism
provides a speed increase so immerse it turn impossible computation into
practical one”. In quantum parallelism quantum system operates simultaneously
on all bits stored in qubit moreover n qubit and in a superposition of 0 and 1,
value of 2n and quantum parallelism can process all the calculation at once.
Quantum computer is essential in the
manufacturing industry quantum calculation and nanoscale fabrication and the
understanding of quantum effect is been applied in the processing of data and
information about material at subatomic levels and for DNA folding in organisms.
Quantum computers are subtle at sharing information
with each other and one type of information shared on quantum computer is scattered
strings which are suitable for encryption distribution as it is a perfect key
on which to base cryptography hence guarantying perfect security as any attempt
at extortion of quantum information will automatically cause disturbance of the
quantum state which will be noticeable and will cause the collapse of quantum
state, accessing information stored by quantum computer requires the
measurement of the final stage of qubits, any measurement disturbs the quantum
state and register a single result even though quantum computer may be storing
a huge superposition bit of information possibly a different value.
Superposition in quantum computer can only be extracted by the use of complex
unconventional programming. Quantum cryptography utilizes ions of individual
quantum system for the transfer of bits of information. The impossibility to
measure quantum system without disturbing the state guaranty the detection of
eavesdropping and enhance secure information transfer is possible. “In a sense
teleportation is the inverse of cryptography, using more robust classical bits
to transfer a quantum state in a noisy environment”.
For quantum computer to process information accurately
and correctly the system has to be fault-tolerant in that using error
correcting code to perform algorithm intently in the presence of noise and
errors, if the rate of noise falls under a certain threshold the computation
can be performed intently. It makes this system operate accurately as much as
possible. Quantum error correcting code has been written, an error correcting
code that corrects for the effect of noise on quantum bits or information store
on qubits, an error correcting code can correct for the effect of decoherence.
The other perspective of quantum computing
and the existence of spinning processing electrons at ground state is computing
without the noise and the environment and this can be referred to as quantum
Encrypting and Decrypting complex cryptographic
cipher: Information from quantum computer has
to be retrieved and the only way to get accurate information from quantum
computer is to deal with the problem of superposition and the unstable quantum
state. When the information is retrieved and programmed it makes quantum
transformation of all the superposition values possible, the two methods that
exist are the Shor algorithm and Lov Grover method. Shor Algorithm measures the
common property of all the output values, Grover Algorithm amplify the result
of interest.
The process of encrypting data leads to the factorisation of large
integers that was formerly thought impossible in computing but is the
foundation of encryption today. Public Key Encryption (RSA) allows a person to
post a public key that, allows a person to encrypt a message, only the person
that post the key or with the correct key can decrypt the transmitted message. Public
key encryptions rely on collection of difficult functions, functions that are
hard to compute but become easy once one piece of the information is known. The
exchange of quantum state between two individual enables the establishment of a
shared random bit strings or keys which can be used for encryption of messages.
The use of quantum system by the individuals mean that they can be sure as to
whether they are been eavesdropped upon, as an eavesdrop will cause detectable
disturbance, in contrast to information sharing in classical computer where
eavesdropping can occur without any disturbance of the state system.
Accumulation of completed
experimental results and research papers.
This project
will be on evidence base approach in Quantum computer, offers powerful method
for processing and coding algorithms that are not possible with classic
systems. The diverse potentials of quantum computers include secured key
distribution for cryptography, rapid integer factoring and quantum simulation
of subatomic levels of electrons, Image recognition, the system learning from
experience to become better at performing task.
quantum computer system experiments has formed a different way of processing
Information and transforming the way classical computers take digital bits of
algorithm to process information and innovated a new way of quantum computation
process, quantum system device is built, totally different, requires new
design, new materials and new processing materials.
quantum computer system tackled the problem of quantum information processing
from the basis, with the complexity of information resolution, quantum electrons
can represent algorithm for information factors of increasing enormous size from
and cannot just set opposite bias values for values anymore but perform complex
factors, set algorithms and complex quantum gates due to the many neighbours
of electrons which will be practically impossible for conventional computer as
it will take a very long time.
Quantum Dwave-one
computer system has been able to solve such enormous problems as it can
represent data with its fundamental power of superposition as with the state of
the electrons does not know what state it is in or in both state at the same
time quantum computer can store and check configuration of electrons switch of
the range of 2500 previously impossible on conventional systems
In quantum
computation bits in superposition are transformed into “Energy program”
different from the previous logic program of classical computers, groups of
qubits are initialized into their superposition states, and this is an Energy
To understand how the
quantum computer is programmed, where bit strings were transformed into other
bits strings via the application of a logic program. The available resource
where bits can be undecided, so the computation is performed in a fundamentally
different way in this case, a group of qubits are initialized into their
superposition states, and this time an ENERGY PROGRAM (instead of a logic
program) is applied to the group. The qubits go from being undecided at the
beginning of the computation, to all having chosen either -1 or +1 states at
the end of the computation. What is an Energy Program? It is just those h and J
numbers - the bias settings.
The quantum computer system D-wave one
handles different information, at a higher level of end user the machine coding
with a large number of data such as “application that have been coded using the
D-Wave One quantum Computer this coding include: Binary Classification and
object detection, higher level programming interface to the D-Wave one system
which is called the D-Wave Blackbox compiler. The inner system is extremely
exotic and complex machine. Programming at the machine language level is
extremely difficult, even for the internal developers”.
Quantum computer provides resolve for
complex information processing, one of the specific problems being resolved is
the representation of natural occurrence in nature such the DNA and protein
lattice folding in quantum system.
“Lattice protein folding is an example using the compiler to write a
protein folding application. The user would again need to craft a function
which somehow encoding a 'fold' into a bitstring. For example, in a simple 2D
lattice protein folding model, for each segment of the protein one could encode
a fold to the left as 01, a fold to the right as 10 and no fold to 11. A
long bit string could therefore contain a complicated series of folds.
Figure above show how to build a lattice
protein folding application, all that is required is a function that returns the
energy of a suggested fold, the Dwave- One will then find the fold that gives
the lowest energy. Here is an example of a third-party implementation of the
two-dimensional HP lattice protein folding model built using the D-Wave
software tools.
Given a particular fold, one must be able to compute the energy of this
fold (how 'good' the fold is). The user would write a function that was able to
take in a bit string corresponding to a fold, and return an energy value. Once
this function has been written, it is passed as an argument into the BlackBox
function in the SynDist layer. This layer will again repeatedly call the lower
layers to send the relevant problem data to the hardware, and return the best
set of folds that it finds, in terms of the 01, 10, 11 encoding scheme”.
Programmers interacting with Dwave-one
at machine level using the platform called Devpac1.4 to write machine codes
into the computer system. The
developer codes a function which takes input of zeros and ones and output real
number, the generating function is G(x) many of the application programming
involves taking in real problem and creating it into generating function. Mathematically
functions are written as
(International Busness Machine) on the other hand is bring minimum device
performance into the practice of Information Technology and the scaling of
hundred or thousand of Quibit becomes possible. IBM have advances in quantum
computer that realise the full scale development of quantum computer/ devices
that rival any super computer and the development has three development stage
of reducing error for computation and retaining the integrity of quantum
mechanical propertities in quibit. Superconducting electrons are also employ in
this case to process and carry Information in a quantum computer system. IBM is
in the line of developing a system that is not just brute force in cryptogarphy
system but is developing a methodological system at dealing with hard end data
of Informations and the system has potential as searching data bases of
unstructured Information and solving hard mathematical problems. “One of the
great challenges for scientist seeking to harness the power of quantum computer
is the controlling or removing quantum decoherence, the creation of errors in
calculations caused by interference from factors such as heat, electromagnetic
radiation and material defects”, and lengthening of the period of time qubit
retain their quantum mechanical properties, when this time is long enough error
corecting schemes can be perform and complex calculations can also be performed
on a quantum computer.
MIT proposes a
system, Hamiltonian contineous time dynamic behaviour (i.e. the kinetic and
potential energy of dynamic electrons for algorithm representation) at ground
state for the design of an algorithm. “The computer is prepared in the known
ground state of a simple Hamiltonian, which is simply modified so that the
ground state encodes the solution to a problem, and such system should be robust
against low-temperature thermal noise and certain errors”
Benchmarking of Classical Computer and Quantum
Quantum computer is not readily available
and it will take a decade or so to complete most of the research and projects
on quantum computers, for it to be readily available as the classical computer
will take a very long period for it to make any economic impact as the first
quantum computer was sold to the air force and electronic company Lockheed
Martin in the states. The price of one quantum computer should be in the range
of millions and other company are starting to invest in research and project on
every possible aspect of quantum computer. At this point of development IBM is
focusing on system integration assessing Information for error processing
demands, Input/output issues and cost scaling.
Personal Development
Knowledge skills and quotes from journals
and outline for project completion
Personal Development
At this
point I will proceed with this project, with evidence base approach which was
initially used in an IEEE article for software engineering as “Evidence base
software engineering” (EBSE).
The term for
this project is Evidence base approach to Quantum Computer, Evidence-base
Quantum Computer (ESQC) for completion of this project.
Quantum mechanical theory has proposed the
different quantum system in quantum computing and experiment by expert at
different levels has been done. The discovery of workable and practical system
that can be implemented as a usable system in computing and in information
technology has to be the accumulated results from collective scientist
researches and experiments, as is the case in most credible discoveries in
science, technology and economic principles.
To put
principle into practice the best evidences are implemented into practice by
scientist, the best method of collective information is systematic literature
review; evidence sources and it provide additional evidence to support the practical
discoveries and guidelines in quantum computing.
This project
will be continued indicating how many experiments has be undertaking and what
organisation have shown interest and to what level have the project been
In practice
will indicate what topics and what part of the quantum system relevant to this
project has been undertaken and what results is been achieved. In the working
of this system will indicate what the practical principles are and what the
limitations are if any.
Quantum computer
experiment, research and theories has been undertaken by a number is companies
since the dawn of the decade, the list include D-wave Canada and NASA JPL Lab
U.S.A., IBM, MIT, Oxford University, Institute in Australia. Their research has
led to different part and different outcome.
define research questions: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria.
. What is Superposition in Quantum Computer?
Yes, define by most sources.
. What is the rate of data processing and data transfer
in Quantum Computer?
No, only slightly discussed.
. Quantum Information processing and quantum
information systems.
Yes, extensively discuses
. Implications of Quantum Computer in Cryptography of
Information and
strings of data.
Yes, extensively discussed by books.
. What is the Quantum Computer leads of new discoveries
and pathways?
Partly discussed.
. What type of Information Processing has Quantum
Computer made possible.
Yes, a research question and is been
. Test process for Quantum Computers.
No, partly discussed
. Benchmarking quantum Computer and Classical
Will find the implication.
. What company buy quantum computer and for what
Partly discussed
. Limit of Quantum Computers.
No, not discuss at this point
. Primary Studies.
Yes, extensively in progress.
. Expert and developers opinion in Quantum Computers.
Contact will be established
The primary
studies for this project was carried out by (me) the researcher to come to
experimental conclusion for this project. The sources used for this project
included 4 books on quantum computer, 7 online journal and 10 online sites and
articles to come to a desirable conclusion. An in-depth detail of innovations,
experiments and usage is reported as what is theoretical, erroneous, practical
and the future expectations in quantum computing.
“To provide
the means by which current best evidence form research can be integrated with
practical experience and human values for the decision making process regarding
development and maintenance of software”.
This collective information from different
sources has modified the result of projects base on Information Technology in
Quantum Computer as to the previous uncertain expert opinions view point. In
this project there will be no limitations set as this is a new important topic
as it is the next innovation in Information Technology and is the gateway to
Quantum effect in computing, science, Information Technology and processing.
Proposition being made at this point of
study for evidence base quantum
computing derived from other professional studies(medicine) is the aggregate
best reliable best evidence to address best engineering question posed by
practitioners and researchers. The most reliable evidence comes from
aggregating all empirical studies on a particular topic.
base research and practice was developed initially in medical practice because
research indicated that expert opinion base on medical advice was not as
reliable as research base on accumulated result base on scientific experiment”.
Literature Review (SLR) in this case is referred to as secondary studies and
the studies analyses are referred to as primary studies. There are two types of
SLR: Conventional SLR aggregate result related to specific research questions,
SLR has to be comparable primary studies with quantitative estimate of
difference between methods, meta-analysis can be used to undertake a formally
statistically based aggregation. Secondly is the mapping study, the study aim
at finding and classifying primary studies. They may be used to identify
relevant literature prior to systematic literature review and the same method
is used to search and data extraction as conventional SLR but rely more on
tabulation primary studies in specific categories.
“At ICSE04, Kitchenham et al. Suggest software
engineering researchers should adopt, Evidence base software engineering
(EBSE). It aims to apply an evidence base approach to software research and
The process of computing information in quantum computer
replicates the environment and evolution, which is the natural law that guides
the behaviour of atoms and molecules, the use of quantum electrons and particle
in the behaviour of quantum system to simulate organic system, is possible with
the advent of quantum computer and the calculation of the companion factors has
been created. Quantum computer that simulate micro or minute system such as
millions of DNA folding or pollination of plant and can also simulate the
behaviour of rocket and space shuttle aerodynamic system in flight such
enormous data and mathematical factors are a few of what quantum computers are
used for. Most importantly is the transfer of secret information that is
essential for national security two quantum systems can communicate
uninterrupted in cryptography and key distribution, and the enormous data
processing allow for pattern recognition and face recognition which will lead
to cognition in computer systems.
Quantum computer has made possible a new way of computing and
processing of information and has developed theoretical aspect to practical
possibilities. Quantum computing has shown that the previous theory can be
practiced and achieved in different disciple of computing systems which include
cryptography, Superposition, atomic scaling and factorization. Quantum
computing will show leads in science and technology discoveries which will lead
to enormous calculation needed in space exploration and energy conversion and
dissipation. Discoveries in quantum computing system will also lead to more
advance technology as teleportation and space warp. Quantum devices as was the
case in conventional computer will be built and implemented for ever more
advance purposes. This project will have achieved its intended purpose in the
continual development of quantum systems and the exploration and barrier
breaking in quantum system leads previously impossible in our time space and leading
to the practicality of the previously propose theories.
Dr Geordie Rose, Founder D wave Canada, British Columbia
that have been coded using the D-Wave OneTM quantum computer include: Binary
classification for object detection in images and polarity labeling of movie
review text; correlating text sentiment extracted from news feeds with stock
market prices; video compression; lattice protein folding; and assignment of
category labels to images, blog posts and news stories.
Geordie Rose, Founder D wave Canada, British Columbia (2012)
It’s just the bit strings coming from the system representing
its guesses at good answers flowing from the D-Wave One TM System to the conventional system, and
the real numbers characterizing how good those guesses were, flowing from the
conventional system to the D-Wave One TM System. The amount of data that might
be required to compute the value of the generating function could be (and often
is) enormous - but we can use all of the standard tactics for dealing with this
using conventional systems architecture.
IBM envisions a practical quantum computing
system as including a classical system intimately connected to the quantum
computing hardware. Expertise in communications and packaging technology will
be essential at and beyond the level presently practiced in the development of
today’s most sophisticated digital computers.
Ivan P. Kaminow, Tingye Li, Alan E.
Willner (2008) Optical Fiber Telecommunications: System and Networks. AT&T
BELL LAB California.
Christian Dawson. March 1999. The Essence of Computing Projects: A
Student’s Guide.
Scott Mueller and Brian Knittel. 2005.
Upgrading and Repairing Microsoft
N.K. Denzin and Y.S.Lincoln, Ed.,
SAGE. 2008. The landscape of quality
research, 3rd edition.
S. Cottrel, Palgrave Macmillan. 2011.
Developing Effective Analysis and
B. Kitchham,
O. P Brereton, D Budgen, M. Turner, J Bailey, S. Linkman
and Software Technology: Systematic Literature Review of Software Engineering –
A Systematic Literature Review.
Engineering Group school of Science. Keele University, U.K. (2004)
Elsevier (2010)
SRL appears
to have gone past the stage of being used solely by innovators but cannot yet
be consider a main stream software engineering research methodology. They are
addressing a wide range of topics but still have limitations, such as failing
to asses primary studies quality.
B. Kitchham,
O. P Brereton, D Budgen, M. Turner, J Bailey, S. Linkman
and Software Technology: Systematic Literature Review of Software Engineering –
A Systematic Literature Review.
Engineering Group school of Science. Keele University, U.K. (2004)
being made at this point of study for
evidence base software engineering derive from other professional
studies(medicine) is the aggregate best reliable best evidence to address best
engineering question posed by practitioners and researchers. The most reliable
evidence comes from aggregating all empirical studies on a particular topic.
Childs, Andrew
Mcgregor. Massachusetts, United States. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dep. of Physics. Quantum Information Processing in Continuous times, 2004.
The computer is prepared in the known ground
state of a simple Hamiltonian, which is slowly modified so that its ground
state encodes the solution to a problem. We argue that this approach should be
inherently robust against low-temperature thermal noise and certain control
errors, and we support this claim using simulations. We then show that any
adiabatic algorithm can be implemented in a different way, using only a
sequence of measurements of the Hamiltonian. We illustrate how this approach can
achieve quadratic speedup for the unstructured search problem. We also
demonstrate two examples of quantum speedup by quantum walk, a quantum
mechanical analog of random walk. First, we consider the problem of searching a
region of space for a marked item. Whereas a classical algorithm for this
problem requires time proportional to the number of items regardless of the
geometry, we show that a simple quantum walk algorithm can find the marked item
quadratically faster for a lattice of dimension greater than four, and almost
quadratically faster for a four-dimensional lattice. We also show that by
endowing the walk with spin degrees of freedom, the critical dimension can be
lowered to two. Second, we construct an oracular problem that a quantum walk
can solve exponentially faster than any classical algorithm.
Korsmeyer (NASA-Ames) (University of Queensland) NASA Quantum Future Technology
Conference. Tuesday January 17th.
Michael A.
Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang 10th Anniversary edition published 2010
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. University of Mexico and a
Fulbright Scholar at the University of Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and lead the Quanta research
group at the center for Ultracold Atoms. (In that order).
Quantum Teleportation is the technique for moving quantum
state around even in the absence of quantum communication channel linking the
sender of the quantum state to the recipient. If two systems work together long
ago but now apart while together they generated an EPR pair or Bell state, each
taking one qubit of the EPR pair when they separated. The latter system should
it accept this mission is to send the former system or deliver a qubit “mod u”
The latter system does not know the state of qubit and moreover can only send
classical information since “mod u” takes value in a continues space.
Fortunately for the later system, quantum teleportation is a way of utilizing
the entangled EPR pair in order to send “mod u” to the former system, with only
a small overhead of classical communication.
In developing quantum devices an entangled-light emitting
diode (ELED) will be appropriate, the realization of an electrically driven
source of entangled photon pairs, consisting of quantum dot embed in a
semiconductor light-emitting diode (LED) structure.
Quantum Annealing if a group of spinning quantum electrons
are kept at a minimum energy level since the electrons act as waves by another
set of electrons spinning acting as wave without the decoherence and the
environment will have develop a constant state of quantum system, this will be
achieved in an advance shield and a vacuum that permanently block all form of
Monday, 4 February 2013
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